Thursday, August 13, 2009

Special Kisses

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Special Kisses

This tutorial was written for those with the working knowledge of PSP.

Supplies Needed:

PSP 10 (or any version will work)
Tube of choice
I am using the artwork of ©Jamie Kidd which can be purchased here at CILM. Do not use this her artwork unless you are a licenses hold with CILM.

Template 23 at HunneDesigns Scraps here.

Scrap kit called "Little Kisses" by Fantasymoments here.

Font of Choice. I am using "Romance Fatal"

Filters used:
Eye candy 4000-gradient glow

Dropshadow used in this tutorial. V&H 2, Opacity 50, Blur 5.00, Color-Black.

Let's get started:

Open template #23. Shift-D then close original. Delete the watermark. Image-Canvas Size 850X850. Can be resized at the end.

Click on raster 2. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 20. Copy-paste as a new layer-Selections-invert-delete. Delete raster 2. Duplicate-back on original. Adjust-Blur-Gaussian Blur-30.

Click on raster 3. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 8. Copy-paste as a new layer-selections-invert-delete. Delete raster 3. Use gradient glow on this layer.

Click on Raster 4. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Add a new raster layer. Flood fill with color from your tube. If using same tube...use this setting in your color palatte. #d683af. Select none. Delete original raster 4.

Click on frame layer. Using magic wand click inside the frame. Selection-moditify-expand 2. Copy-paste as a new layer-selections-invert-delete. Do this a total of three times...if using this tube. Dropshadow.

Add any elements of your liking. Or look at my tag for example. Be creative.

Add copyright info. Save as a png or jpg.

Thank you for trying this tut. I hope you enjoyed it. I enjoyed making it. This tut was created on August 13, 2009 by Hunne Designs.