Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Be A Star


This tutorial was written for those that have the working knowledge of PSP.

Supplies Needed:
PSP10 (any version will work)
Tube of choice
I used artwork by ©Elias Chatzoudis
which you can purchase at MPT Here
Do not use his work unless your a license holder with MPT.

My Template #4 which you can find it at Hunne Designs Here
Scrap kit called "For Mariah" by Bluedream Designs which you can
find here

Font I used is AL Sandra which you can get here
Or you can use any font of your choice.

Filters used:
Eye Candy 4-Gradient Glow

Please do not hotlink my tutorials, copy them or claim them as your own.

Dropshadow for this tutorial setting I used are:
Effects-3D effects-dropshadow V&H 2, Opacity 25, Blur 3.00 Color

Let's Begin

Open up Template 4, Hold down (Shift-D) to copy. Delete original.
Imaged-Canvas size: Width & Height 800 x 800. You can resize
later. Delete the background & watermark.

Select big rectangle layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open up
paper 1-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select
none. Now delete the template rectangle layer. Go to effects-Eye
candy 4000-Gradient glow. Using these settings width-3.00 soft
soft corners-0. Color flat-white. Click ok. Do gradient glow again
with same setting but changing color to black.

Select smaller rectangle layer-selections-select all-float-defloat.
Open paper 3-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete.
Select none. Now delete the smaller rectangle template layer. On
the same layer click selections-select all-float-defloat. Place tube
resize if needed. Please look at mine for example. After you have
your tube in place. Click selections-invert-delete-select none. Drop
shadow tube. Now go over to layer palette click on-luminance.

Click on Frame layer-Selections-select all-float-defloat.Open paper
5-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete.Select none. Now
delete the template frame layer. No apply gradient glow twice like before.
Now dropshadow.

Click on the left layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper
7-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now
delete the left template layer. Use gradient glow twice again. Dropshadow.

Click on the right layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 7 again.
Copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete the
right template layer. Use gradient glow twice like above. Dropshadow.

Click on middle layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 5-copy-
paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete the middle
template layer. Use gradient glow & dropshadow.

Click on the swirl layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 1-copy-
paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete the swirl
template layer. Use gradient glow and dropshadow.

Click on the star layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 4-copy-
paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Move down below
the star frame. Now delete the star template layer.

Click the star frame layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 2-copy
paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete the star
template layer. Use gradient glow and dropshadow.

Click on the top layer of palette. Apply tube-resize to your like. Click Image-mirror.
Look at my tag for example. Place dropshadow.

Add elements and dropshadow. Use my tag as example. Or add elements of your

Added copyright info. If using a PTU artist. Click layers-merge visible.

Crop or resize save as a jpeg or png.

Thank you for trying my very first tutorial. I hope you enjoyed.

If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me at. ( or give a comment on my blog).

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