Monday, July 20, 2009

Sexy Pirate

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Sexy Pirate

This tutorial was written for those that have the working knowledge of PSP.

Supplies Needed:
PSP 10 (or any version will work)Tube of choiceI am using the artwork of ©Elias Chatzoudis whichcan be purchased at MPT here

Scrap kit "Sexy Pirate" by Lacarolita's Designsz here

Template "Pirate" by Hunne Designs here

Font "Arrr Matey BB or font of choice

Filters Needed
Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glow

Let's get started

Open template. Shift-D, delete watermark and raster layer 1. Image-Canvas size 750x750. Can resize later.

Start at the bottom of the template and working upward. Click on the Top line layer. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 8. Copy-paste as new layer-resize 85%-Selections-invert-delete. Select none. Add gradient glow twice, then dropshadow. Delete template layer. Do the same to bottom line as you did above.

Click on the large circle layer. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 10. Copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Delete template layer. Duplicate large circle. Click on original-Adjust-blur-Gaussian Blur-25. Click on copy. Add dropshadow.

Click on small circle layer. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 4. Copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Delete template circle. Click back on circle again. Add gradient glow once. Dropshadow.

Click on the X layer. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 1. Copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Delete X template.

Click on frame. With magic wand click inside frame. Selection-modify-expand 1. Open your tube. Copy-paste as new layer-selection-invert-delete. Move image down below frame. Low opacity to 60. Click back on frame add gradient glow and dropshadow.

Open tube again. Make sure you are on top layer. Copy-paste as new layer. Move to right side (see my tag for example). Dropshadow.

Click on wordart. Selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 7. Copy-paste as a new layer-selection-invert-delete. Delete wordart template. Add gradient glow twice. Dropshadow.

Add any elements you wish and dropshadow them. Or you can use my tag as example.

Add your name and copyright info. Save as a jpg or png.

Thank you for doing this tutorial. I hope you liked doing this. I would love to see any tutorials results. You can email them to

Please do not copy, hotlink or claim this tutorial as your own. This tutorial was created by Hunne Designs on July 20th, 2009.

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