Friday, July 10, 2009

Juicy Elias Babe


This tutorial was written for those that have the working knowledge of PSP.

Supplies Needed:

PSP10 (or any version will work)
Tube of Choice
I am using the artwork by ©Elias Chatzoudis which
can be purchased at MPT Here

My Template #7 which you can find on my blog site Here
Scrap kit called "Watermelon Crawl" by Juicy Bits Here

Font of choice or Font I am using "Century Gothic"

Filters used
Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glow

Dropshadow for this tutorial setting I used are as followed
Effects-3D effects-dropshadow V&H 2, Opacity 25, Blur 3.00 Color Black

Please do not hotlink my tutorial blog, copy them or claim them as your own.

Let's Begin:

Open Template 7. Shift-D to copy. Delete original. Image-Canvas size 800x800. You can resize later. Delete my watermark.

Select Big Circle layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open up paper 10-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete the big circle template layer. Go to layers-duplicate. Go back to orignial copy. Adjust-blur-Gaussian blur. Using Radius 10.00. Go to copy later and add dropshadow.

Select Strip 1 layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open up paper 1-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete the strip 1 layer template. Add Effect-Eye Candy 4000-Gradient Glow. Setting width 3.00, Corners 0, Color Fat/white. Dropshadow.

Select strip 2 layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open up paper 4-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete strip 2 layer template. Add the same gradient glow like above. Add the same dropshadow.

Select strip 3 layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 6-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete strip 3 layer template. Add the gradient glow and a dropshadow.

Select Strip 4 layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 2-copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete strip 4 layer template. Add the gradient glow and dropshadow.

Select small circle layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 9 copy-paste as new layer-selections-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete small circle template. Go to layers-duplicate. Go back to orignial copy. Adjust-blur-Gaussian blur. Using Radius 10.00. Go to copy later and add dropshadow.

Select square layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Over on your color palatte. Set your foreground color to #e8a4bc if you the same tube I am. If not use the lights color. Go to layers-new raster layer. Flood fill with color.

Copy-paste as new layer your tube. Making sure its the top layer on your layer palatte. Using your eraser tool. Eraser anything hang over the bottom of the frame. Dropshadow.

Click frame layer-selections-select all-float-defloat. Open paper 4-copy-paste as new layer-selection-invert-delete. Select none. Now delete frame template. Use dropshadow.

Add any elements you wish or look at my for ideas.

Add your name.

Copyright info.

Go to layers-merge-visible. Resize and save as a png or jpeg.

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